Major Sponsors
General Sponsors
Want to Become a Sponsor?
Sponsors are promoted directly to an estimated 5000 people through our website and via targeted social media campaigns to individuals, and over 50 clubs and organisations in the area. Additional media exposure is provided through our press releases to the local and yachting press and through our leaflets and posters which are distributed and displayed around town.
We offer two levels – major sponsor and general sponsor. Major sponsors get: Large logo slots on all printed promotional material and targeted electronic mailshots; prominent banner adverts across all pages of the website; large logo slots on the website home page and large logo slots on the website sponsors page. General sponsors get: Small logo slots on printed promotional material where there is space available and on all targeted electronic mailshots; small logo slots on the website homepage and sponsors pages.
Sponsorship is at the discretion of the sponsor, but a starting point for general sponsorship is £150 and for major sponsorship is £1500
Please download our Sponsors Information flyer for more info and contact details:
Please fill in the form to contact us about becoming a sponsor: