Which class should I enter?

If your boat is a dayboatOpen day racing boats
If your boat is a cruiser over 6m/20ft and with an NHC base number of more than 0.830, you have a choice which cruiser class to enter:Class 1 is for ‘serious’ racers.  The Conwy River Festival Handicap system will be used and there is also an IRC competition for those boats having an IRC rating.  Courses are intended to be testing, with long beats and spinnaker runs.

Class 2 is for more leisurely racing.  This is a ‘white sail’ class so spinnakers, cruising chutes, bloopers and gennakers are not allowed.  The races are run as pursuit, which avoids congested start lines and courses are shorter with dead runs avoided. The Conwy River Festival Handicap System is used.

What is the Conwy River Festival Handicap System? 

Race results will be calculated using the Conwy River Festival Handicap system based on performance in previous Conwy River Festivals and local club handicaps, with a base handicap derived from the HALS race results system.

If you have not entered the Festival before, and have not raced locally, please enter as early as possible supplying as much information as you can about the boat and we will obtain a base number.

Will I get a discounted marina berth?

Conwy boatfolk Marina is offering a discount on berthing fees throughout the Festival.

Caernarfon Victoria Dock is offering a discount on berthing fees for LA-LA entrants over the LA-LA weekend.

What do I get for my entry fee?

If you enter the racing:

You will be eligible to compete in all races for your appropriate class across all days of the Regatta.

You will receive all necessary race documents (SIs, course card and marks chart) electronically via the Conwy River Festival website and you will be notified of Regatta information and any updates by email.

You and your crew will be invited to the racing WhatsApp group.

You and your crew (up to 3 total) will be able to attend the race party night and the main prizegiving and meal, additional tickets can be purchased for both events.

You will be eligible for discounted berthing fees at Conwy boatfolk Marina for the duration of the Festival.

If you enter the LA-LA Rally:

You will be able to enjoy a well organised group on-the-water event over three days, including cruising in company, a beach barbecue, and on-shore social events.

You will get discounted berthing at Caernarfon for the two nights the fleet is there.

You and your crew will be invited to the Rally WhatsApp group.

You and your crew (up to 3 total) will be able to attend the buffet meal and the main prizegiving and meal, additional tickets can be purchased for both events.

You will be eligible for discounted berthing fees at Conwy boatfolk Marina for the duration of the Festival.

Can I enter by email or online?

Yes, online is the quickest and easiest way to sign up, with payment taken immediately.  

Your entry will not be accepted until you have paid the entry fee, either online, by cheque, or electronic bank transfer ie BACS: (sort code 403007 account number 41332783). Before racing you must submit a signed copy of your entry form or use the online entry form.  

To enter by email, send your signed entry form in pdf or jpeg format to: sailing@conwyriverfestival.org.

Do you supply class flags?

Class flags (required for cruiser classes 1 & 2) are not provided.  Flags can be purchased from Yachtshop at Conwy Marina.